Building with Serverless: A 2022 Review

Jul 6, 2022
Building with Serverless: A 2022 Review
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  • For this article, we’re defining “serverless” as an application built using a suite of managed deployment and infrastructure services from a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, or Azure. Our focus is on truly serverless deployments that use some combination of the following:
    • FaaS: functions as a service
    • DBaaS: databases as a service
    • APIaaS: APIs as a service
  • The goal of serverless is to trivialize deployments, allowing developers to focus on code rather than infrastructure.
  • Serverless’ explosive growth is slowing as its hidden costs hold back widespread adoption beyond prototyping.
  • Looking ahead, solving issues such as cost predictability, code boilerplate, and clean support for large, interconnected applications will spur enterprise adoption of serverless.

The Problem Space

When considering the many ways to deploy code (Docker, Kubernetes, serverless platforms, etc.), the cloud ecosystem can be overwhelming and hard to keep up with. Ultimately, developers all want the same thing: reliable, safe, secure, and resilient deployments that are easy to build and iterate on at a predictable, reasonable cost.

However, there are trade-offs based on where you are in the software development life cycle (SDLC), your team expertise, and budget. The modern, popularized Kubernetes/Docker deployment model covers several of these bases by being reliable, highly scalable, well taught, and documented. This makes it easy to find a (usually expensive) dev-ops engineer to handle your containerized infrastructure. It can also be cost-stable, as the unit of the container has some traffic elasticity built in, but needs plenty of engineering support as most configuration and security overhead sits on the developer.

As developers, we hate solving the same problem twice. Teams spend countless hours building the same infrastructure, boilerplate, and cloud configuration/integrations that are so common they might as well be abstracted. Serverless tries to tackle this issue with a few key features:

  • Autoscaling – Code scales without a human or configuration in the loop, saving you from writing and maintaining complex infrastructure configurations
  • Instant edge deployments – Get your code in front of users on the edge without worrying about deployment regions or zones
  • Fast iterations – Real one click deployment; simply upload your code without managing CI/CD pipelines

Serverless is a catch-all term for a suite of services you can use to run code without managing deployments and infrastructure. In this article, we’ll focus on AWS’ serverless platform as it’s considered the market leader, beating out other offerings such as GCP, Azure, and Cloudflare. AWS offers a host of serverless services that can be plugged into each other: Lambda, DynamoDB, Step Functions, and AppSync to name a few. With Lambda, one of the most understood examples of the power of serverless, you can simply upload a function (e.g., a data processing trigger) and AWS handles the underlying infrastructure needed to get it deployed and running.

A Breakdown of Common Deployment Patterns

Roll Your Own (K8s/EC2/Docker) Managed (DigitalOcean, AWS Fargate) Serverless
Cost Predictability High – Virtual machines are normally over- provisioned, making them less sensitive to non-extreme usage fluctuations. Pricing varies, but can be on-demand or fixed-term; the cost unit is by virtual machine. Mid – Image deployments are less elastic than VMs and costs fluctuate more with traffic. Pricing is hourly based on CPU, memory, and possible OS licensing. Low – Serverless costs are highly sensitive to traffic fluctuations (which can be unpredictable) as pricing is per function invocation per GB-s, rounded to the nearest millisecond.
Effort High – Developers literate in dev-ops build systems to deploy code that need maintenance. Mid – Developers don’t manage deployment infrastructure, but still build and publish code images. Low – Developers can upload code directly.
Who’s Responsible for Deployment Developer Developer / Provider Provider
Security Overhead High – IAM policies, API keys and deployment security where developers must secure the entire pipeline surface. Mid – Developers are responsible for image security, infrastructure is protected by the provider. Mid – Developers are responsible for secrets used in code and IAM configuration, but not the infrastructure security.
Cost Predictability

Cost is a tricky beast with serverless. Deployments can be cheaper for bursty workloads, but suffer from cost unpredictability. A standard EC2 instance has a fixed cost, leased on a fixed term or by time. Predictability is a great business advantage. An AWS Lambda, however, suffers from several cost skyrocketing gotchas:

  • Retries – The Lambda environment retrying failed function invocations
  • Accidents – You pay per function invocation: a coding error like infinite or inefficient recursion (not that uncommon!) balloons costs
  • The ecosystem – Getting bound to a serverless ecosystem like AWS’ can tie you to a ballooned architecture with dozens of Lambdas between services

A few real world anecdotes:

An expensive mistake

Cost matters to enterprises. Nobody wants to be the developer that racks up a $4k bill over a recursion bug, especially when it’s hard to actually test serverless code. More importantly, developers might steer clear from experimenting with Lambdas, reducing the market of devs that can build with them.

🔑 Takeaway: Cost unpredictability adds uncertainty to infrastructure, steering developers away from experimentation and enterprises away from large-scale adoption.


Given unpredictable costs, what makes serverless worth it? It’s pretty easy to get something small running. The code for a single Lambda just needs to be zipped and uploaded to AWS. No Kubernetes, no dependency management. The benefits of serverless are real, which is why according to Datadog’s State of Serverless Report over half of organizations operating in the major clouds have adopted serverless and over 60% of large organizations deploy Lambda functions in more than three languages.

However, just because serverless is easy to deploy does not mean it’s easy to use. When it’s scaled to the architecture of a full application, serverless can get pretty unruly:

A typical full service app infrastructure in AWS Serverless. By Xavier Lefèvre.

Let’s zoom in to one part of this architecture, one which you have probably written or seen a hundred times in its non-serverless paradigm: a CRUD database API.

A Bog-Standard CRUD Business API

Notice that between the API Gateway and DynamoDB (both AWS services) sit two Lambdas: this makes the API subject to the foibles of Lambdas: latency (cold starts) and unpredictable costs. Using Lambdas as glue between services is a common pattern.

There is a better way: AWS lets you integrate services directly with each other, which comes with a host of benefits: lower latency, less code to maintain, and no operational maintenance (AWS is responsible for the integration running), all at no cost (as you avoid the extra Lambda).

But of course, there is a catch: boilerplate. AWS’ serverless offerings suffer from serious boilerplate, especially when integrating between services (like Step Functions and DynamoDB). Here’s what a simple AWS Step Function doing a DynamoDB lookup looks like:

Ouch, boilerplate. From Functionless.

Repetition. Endless, exhausting, and an anathema to the creativity we need to build elegant and fast things. This is an emerging issue: as more people start to take serverless seriously for deployments, the boilerplate demanded by simple things like creating a Lambda and complex things like service to service integrations will frustrate developers. This can lead to even experiments with AWS serverless costing teams weeks of developer productivity as they sift through and build on verbose boilerplates.

Serverless is also subject to vendor lock-in. We spent this article focusing on market leader AWS: as this tech matures, each vendor will expand their own suites of services and inevitably lock customers in as much as they can. This leads to developers having to learn esoteric scripting or configuration languages that are per platform. The lack of standardization in serverless could relegate it to prototyping for some time to come.

🔑 Takeaway: Serverless architectures are a win because they make the deployment experience easier. However today, that might mean making the development experience harder. For serverless to be enterprise ready, the development experience needs to be clean enough for developers to want to use it.


Who is responsible if it breaks? Or, whose job is it to keep it running? One of the flagship benefits of serverless is that you manage almost nothing beyond the code you write. It’s AWS’ job to keep your code running, keep packages updated, and you only need to intervene if your code breaks. Using service-to-service integrations helps minimize the maintenance burden even more, as it optimizes away glue code Lambas.


Lastly, some security is also up to you: developers must configure minimally permissive IAM policies in AWS, even for their serverless services.

Opportunities For a Better Serverless Future

In the history of computing, we’ve added abstraction layers to help developers focus on what they’re building rather than the glue in between. You can see this pattern in the shift over the years from rented physical hardware to virtual machines to Docker/Kubernetes, and we’re betting the next step is managed deployments like serverless. 

What will take serverless to the next level?
  • Making serverless costs more predictable to enterprises 
  • Making prototyping serverless and making mistakes in deployments less punishing to encourage developers to consider it as a serious option when building large scale tech
  • Making it easier to build with by reducing, auto-generating, or otherwise eliminating boilerplate 

Who’s working to improve the developer experience?

We’ve established that the serverless developer experience needs work. Tools in the ecosystem have taken different approaches to fixing it. Some focus on the IDE/compiler side experience, for example building libraries that auto generate boilerplate and deduce configurations. They let developers build mostly their own way, without being too opinionated on how code should be written. Others take a different approach: you develop according to their framework and engine requirements, and reap the benefits of predefined and generated infrastructure which can sometimes be ported to any major cloud provider.

A shortlist of startups working in the space:  

  • Functionless tries to simplify the AWS serverless development experience, locally integrating with the AWS development kit and inferring configuration and boilerplate from TypeScript code. It focuses on simplifying integrations between AWS services, reducing glue to a few lines of code.
  • is a backend development engine that attempts to solve the underlying problems of a poor serverless development experience by standardizing how you write code and inferring your infrastructure from it.
  • Serverless builds an end-to-end platform that allows you to build on their platform and configure Lambdas in YAML, with cost management and monitoring built in. It’s missing good support for writing configuration in JS (the future! And the now.), and seems to have stalled over the last few years, but remains one of the dominant open-source serverless development frameworks with over 43k stars on Github.
  • Wasp-lang is an open source domain state language that takes JS and a DSL configuration, auto-generating your app’s source code and infrastructure. In Alpha.
  • Chiselstrike infers backends from TypeScript “models” (templates) and hosts built backends on their own platform.

Who’s working to fix cost management? 

Cloud cost management is a saturated space. Most tools are reactive rather than proactive, forcing developers to damage mitigation rather than prevention. Some innovate with analysis features like forecasting pricing and anomaly detection.

A shortlist of startups working in the space:  

  • CloudZero builds monitoring software with anomaly detection that fires alerts when a serverless release runs at a higher cost than expected. 
  • Costless provides cost management for AWS serverless architectures. It helps predict costs while building and monitors costs in the wild.
  • Dashbird can be configured to alert when a particular Lambda costs over a certain amount in a given period.

Further Reading

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