Enterprise PLAYBOOKS

As an enterprise founder, you know your product in and out, but go-to-market may keep you up at night.

Our Work-Bench Enterprise Playbooks are tactical guides that collate almost 10 years of working with best in class enterprise companies and the tactics needed to succeed in sales, marketing, procurement, SOC II, and more.


— Early-Day and Founder-Led

How to Master Outbound Sales without a BDR (yet)

Managing BDRs

Onboarding & Outbound Execution

This Enterprise Playbook outlines how enterprise software startup founders can build out a BDR organization step-by-step and start revving up their outbound go-to-market engine.

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The Sales Strategies That Turbocharged Outreach from $0 to $200M ARR

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— Hiring

Sales Guide:

Hiring Strategy for your First Sales Hire

Define a successful hiring strategy beyond founder-led sales with our First Sales Hiring Playbook. We outline best practices for compensation, sourcing, and candidate assessments for BDRs.

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Sales guide:

Sourcing & Interview Process

From 5 hires to 50 to 500, use our Startup Recruiting Workbook: Sourcing & Interview Process to build your startup’s recruiting process.

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Sales guide:

On-Boarding Schedule for Your Sales Hire

Build a replicable sales onboarding process, from culture to customers to closing with our Onboarding Schedule for Your Sales Hire.

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Sales guide:

Must-Ask Interview Questions for a VP of Sales Candidate

Our Must-Ask Interview Questions for a VP of Sales Candidate will guide your conversation when interviewing your first VP of Sales candidate.

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— General Tactics

How to price your product at seed

This Enterprise Playbook outlines the proven frameworks and tested methods for approaching strategic product pricing, drawing from real-world examples of product pricing pages. 

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Technical Founders Selling Technical Products

We’ve found that technical founders selling technical products to the enterprise often fall into a common trap – over-indexing on product details vs. showing the business impact and value the product can deliver. 

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Leveling up your Discovery and Demo Calls

This Sales Playbook outlines a formula to help up-level discovery and demo calls to make them more efficient, productive, and overall successful in getting to the next stage of closing a prospect.

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Qualifying & Forecasting - How Real Are Your Deals?

This Sales Playbook outlines a disciplined approach early-stage founders and Sales leaders can use to accurately qualify, forecast, and resource opportunities.

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Sales guide:

10 Sales Process Stages

Our tactical 10 Sales Process Stages dives into the desired outcome to keep you focused on the goal, including a checklist of to-dos, a breakdown of each team member’s role in that part of the process, as well as the tools you’ll need.

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Sales guide:

Sales Pitch Score Card

Is your new hire ready to go solo on making a sale? Rate the effectiveness of your new hire's pitch during sales calls using our Pitch Scorecard.

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Selling to Technical Customers

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3 Acts of Growth: Lessons, Patterns & Mistakes

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— Product-Led Growth

The 5 Step Framework for Building a Product Led Business

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Mastering the User’s Product Journey from GitLab, Figma & Airtable

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Reaching Hypergrowth with PLG with Snyk, MongoDB, Elemental & Pace

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Fusing Product & Enterprise Sales

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— Customer Meetings & Evaluations

Sales guide:

Customer Evaluation

Our Customer Evaluation document outlines the objectives and deliverables, pre-evaluation activities, schedule, costs, and contact info to ensure that both parties are on the same page throughout the sales process.

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A Formula For Pitching CIOs

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The Best Fortune 500s Industries to Target

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Logo Hunting: 3 Steps to Target & Catch Your Biggest Customer Logos

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7 Habits of Highly Effective Executive Briefings

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Partnerships Sales Success with Red Hat, Cisco & BigID

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— general

Startup Marketing from $0 to $100M in ARR with Snyk

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Selling Brownfields vs. Greenfield Products

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Business Value Calculator

This Business Value Calculator helps sellers demonstrate the ROI of their product versus that of an home-grown tool by creating a business case, detailing how the product will impact the prospect’s business and why now more than ever is the right time to buy.

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Differentiated Messaging

This differentiated messaging template outlines the key questions Product Marketers need to think through in order to nail down and articulate truly differentiated product messaging.

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— Content Creation

Newsletter 102: Metrics Cheat Sheet

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Newsletter 101: Writing Content People Want to Read

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SEO Tools & Tactics

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SEO Content Brief Template

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— Demand Generation

10 quick wins to grow pipeline

Growth is a long-term journey and nothing scales overnight, yet startup life is still a race.

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How to build a scalable customer acquisition system

This Enterprise Playbook outlines how to build out an early Marketing function, including how to build a customer acquisition “system,” scale it over time, and then measure success that aligns with weekly revenue goals.

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How to Launch a Demand Gen Campaign

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6 Demand Gen Playbooks

We set out to bring together the top demand gen leaders from growth companies in NYC to share their most hyper tactical and practical demand gen playbook pages.

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— Public Relations

Announcing a Seed Round

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Enterprise Sales Pipeline Review

This enterprise sales pipeline review template provides both qualitative and quantitative data points that can help to paint a more complete and nuanced story on sales traction.

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How to build a value-based calculator

Our Value-Based Pricing Calculator creates a structured process to calculate your ROI and thus pricing, so that your sales team is set up to be confident in how they articulate value to customers and quote a contract value to prospects.

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PLG & SaaS Billing & Pricing Infrastructure

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Effective Board Meeting Hacks

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Series A Fundraising Deck Template

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Seed Fundraising Template: ICP Definition & GTM Sequencing

This template ‍helps founders build a narrative around their go-to-market vision in order to generate investor interest when trying to fundraise a Seed round when there are no (or little) metrics to showcase.

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How To Handle VC Inbound After Raising A Seed Round

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10 Year Vision Slide

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Developer Relations

Community Strategies to Grow Open-Source Businesses

Building an open-source business requires founders to become familiar with their target developer ecosystem, spread awareness, and cultivate a community. This Playbook outlines 3 proven community strategies to grow an open-source business.

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Experiments To Find a Winning Developer Acquisition Strategy

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The Future of Open Source with Cockroach Labs, Timescale & Solo.io

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Founder <> VC User Manual

This Q&A document is designed to help teams learn (and appreciate) the quirks of each individual, including how to best encourage them, provide feedback, etc., in order to accelerate collaboration.

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Ingredients for Nurturing a Tech Ecosystem

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Tactics for a Great Distributed Culture

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